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100+ years holistic experience







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Alpha G (30 servings)

ALPHA-G (30-serving size)
Powder with scoop for easy daily measuring. One month supply. For people and pets.


Please try our new replacement
polysaccharide peptide (PSP) product
Cellular PSP
Alpha G (30 servings)


ALPHA-G 3-Pack Special 
(30-serving size each)
Powder with scoop for easy daily measuring. 90-day supply. For people and pets.


Please try our new replacement
polysaccharide peptide (PSP) product
Cellular PSP

All orders are shipped by U.S.P.S. Priority Mail in the United States. For international orders, we ship either  Priority Mail or Global Express Mail through your local Postal Service. We cannot ship ALPHA-G using Canada Post. Please select our special "Canada: ALPHA-G & Seacure" shipping zone when buying ALPHA-G to be shipped to Canada using a cheaper international rate.

A special customer service note from the owner:
Our goal at Optimum Choices is superior customer service that cannot be matched. We always put your family's holistic needs first. As the world's largest e-tailer and reseller of the revolutionary holistic, BioPreparation, our expertise and products are very much in demand. Some days, we literally only ship emergency overnight orders. Unfortunately, this extends the processing time of our regularly scheduled orders, so we apologize in advance. We know you would want this extra special attention if it were your family member's life.

Internet-placed orders are processed first. Because of the high demand, manually placed telephone orders could take up to 7 business days to process. Average time to process Internet orders is: 5 days  business days +  2-3 days for Priority Mail shipping = 7 total business days to receive your order.
For complete Shipping & Handling details, click the button below:
Shipping & Handling


Suggestions for taking ALPHA-G

ALPHA-G is best absorbed by the body when it is taken on an empty stomach (at least one hour before meals or two hours after meals) and never combined with any dairy products and any sweeteners including fruits, fruit juices, sugar, artificial sweeteners and alternative sweeteners. (Sugar and dairy molecules will physically link to the polysaccharidepeptide molecules thus making the polysaccharidepeptide molecules larger and therefore more difficult for the body to absorb.)

Mix suggested amount of ALPHA-G in 6-8 ounces of room temperature or lukewarm water/broth (make sure that there are no added sweeteners in the broth). DO NOT use fruit juice. The more diluted you make the ALPHA-G , the better your body will absorb it.

As with all effective and potent holistic products, you may experience some symptoms indicative of the body detoxifying after starting ALPHA-G. These symptoms may include digestive upset (including bloating, gas and loose stools), headache, feeling of fatigue or even getting sick. To support your body if you experience any of these symptoms, you can: ALPGA-G

  1. Drink more purified water
  2. Get more sleep
  3. Decrease the daily amount of ALPHA-G
    until the symptoms subside.

If you have any concerns, stop taking ALPHA-G and contact us.

For more detailed directions on how to use ALPHA-G with both people and pets, please contact us at info@OptimumChoices.com.

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Nothing on this website has been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please see a qualified healthcare practitioner for any disease or illness.
Send e-mail to info@OptimumChoices.com
with questions or comments about this web site.
Optimum Choices, LLC     Copyright © 2021     Last modified: 04/10/21
