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Paradigm Shifts e-Book
by Russell Louie

We live in interesting times is an understatement. Almost every month, I notice an old paradigm that does not work any more or an old established structure that needs an overhaul. But before the new can crystallize, the old must be shattered to make way for the new. This can be quite unsettling for those that do not like change and always yearn for the "way it was". The following is my holistic perspective of the current situation based on my broad spiritual, astrological and eclectic world vision. Hopefully, by recognizing what needs to be changed and "seeing" what the new paradigm might look like, this will ease your journey.

The ancient Mayans studied an astrological cycle we call the Precession of the Equinoxes. This is approximately a 26,000 year cycle, in which Earth transits through each of the 12 signs of the zodiac for about 2152 years each. Each of these astrological ages, represents one month of the grand, Cosmic Year (much like our astrological year). Due to the precession of equinoxes, the spring equinox moves slowly backward through the constellations of the Zodiac, so that approximately every 2000 years the equinox begins taking place in an earlier constellation. Thus, the spring equinox has been occurring in Pisces for the past several thousand years and will now begin to occur in the constellation Aquarius. This is the background for calling the current times, the Age of Aquarius.





Paradigm Name

Old Paradigm

New Paradigm



One went to school, got a JOB (performed  work) and retired after 25 years of working for the same company. In retirement, one did not want to do any more WORK but simply enjoyed the life of leisure, living off their savings from the JOB. One works at a job that one loves and it fulfills a passion in their life. One cannot believe they get paid to do this work. One can work over 40 hours per week and never get tired or bored.

The problem with the old paradigm, is that one chose a JOB that their parents deemed appropriate, their teacher thought was more suited, society valued higher or that earned the most money (or status). All these motives are someone else's. One needs to find their own motives or passion for work and literally follow their heart. When one can do what you love, the money will follow (according to Marsha Sinetar's book with the same title). 

So many people are bemoaning the fact that their retirement savings have literally evaporated during the Recession of 2008. The world has never seen or dealt with an economic situation of such proportion. The old paradigm regarding work/retirement must be replaced by a new one, My Work is My Passion. If one works at what one loves and is following their passion, they will never have to work one day the rest of their lives.


The above is an e-Book in progress. I will add new paradigms as they appear in my life. Check back soon.


©2009, Russell Louie, All Rights Reserved

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