Optimum Choices

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100+ years holistic experience







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Freedom From Illness—Optimum Choices


August 2012, News from Optimum Choices, LLC
Welcome to the monthly Freedom From Illness e-newsletter from Russell Louie and Margaret Auld-Louie at Optimum Choices. This newsletter is sent to the friends of Russell & Margaret, customers of Optimum Choices, as well as people who signed up for a drawing at our booth at a fair or event. If you wish to unsubscribe, see the bottom of this e-mail for instructions. To receive this newsletter in your e-mail, click here: Subscribe Newsletter.


August Sale
Current News—ALPHA-G
Current news—Colorado Natural Pet Expo
Current News—Awakening the Genius Within Lectures
When Homeopathy is Not Enough
Contact us

August Sale

hot sun

Discount Code = 5HEAT

From now until next month's e-newsletter is published, we are offering a 5% discount off your entire order. Simply enter "5HEAT" (the number "5" and the word "HEAT" with no spaces) in the Discount Coupon box of our shopping cart. You must press the green [Recalculate] button in the lower left to see this discount calculated in your order total. Then select the green [Go To Payments] button to complete your order. This discount is only available to our customers who read this e-newsletter and order online. This discount is not advertised to the general public. This discount may not be combined with our autoship, volume, referral bonus, professional or other discounts. Discount is valid until next month's e-newsletter is published with a new discount code.

HINT: for maximum savings, order any Starter Pack (three bottles) of BioPreparation, BioSuperfood and/or ALPHA-G for a 5% discount AND in addition, get the 5% discount above, for a total of 10% off the full retail price. No other discounts can be applied.

HINT: if you ever miss our monthly e-newsletters containing the current month's discount code, you can always go to our home page and select the green [Newsletters] button in the left column. Then click the appropriate year and subsequent month buttons to view our current month's e-newsletter and "secret" discount code.



Current News

Because of the amazing demand for our "wholistic" consulting and revolutionary products, we have to limit every inquiry (e-mail and telephone) to 15 minutes in order to help all those in need. After the first 15 minutes we charge our normal consulting fee. Please make use of all the free resources available 24 hours/day, by clicking on the buttons in the left-hand menu of every product page. Thank you in advance.

ALPHA-G (polysaccharide peptide [PSP] product)

The manufacturer is reformulating a new improved ALPHA-G with all organic ingredients and using a new pulverization process (finer powder for better absorption). New samples are testing 10 times better (more potent) than the original formula. One will be able to use less of the new formula ALPHA-G and ALPHA-Gget better results! Unfortunately, the new formula will not be available until sometime in Sept.-Oct., 2012.

We currently are offering an interim formula of ALPHA-G. This interim formula does contain all organic ingredients. The formula is simpler, containing just specific rice grain species, guar gum and absolutely nothing else. This is a plus for those with a sensitive body and pets with sensitive taste buds. The only difference is this interim formula is not pulverized as fine as the final formula will be. This interim formula mixes just fine but it does feel grainier going down the throat. We use a shaker bottle with a metal whisk like athletes use for protein shakes. We do not have any definitive testing on this interim formula but our guess is that it is 5-6 times better than the original formula but not as good as the final formula (10 times better).

As of August 26, 2012, we have lifted the purchase restrictions and can now sell as many bottles as you want of this interim formula. Thank you for your understanding as we have no control over these circumstances. We believe the new formula will be worth the wait.

2013 update: FINAL Formula ALPHA-G is here.


New Video

A new video is now posted on select pages of our website. Russell explains how we saved our cat from lymphoma using homeopathy—
Freedom From Illness.

Homeopathy and Lymphoma
Click on video above

Homeopathy and Lymphoma
Freedom From Illness


Colorado Natural Pet Care Expo
September 15, 2012

The Colorado Natural Pet Care Association (CNPCA) is proud to announce its 3rd Annual Colorado Natural Pet Expo. The location will be at deKoevend Park, 6301 S. University Blvd., Centennial CO 80121-2914. Date and time is Saturday, September 15, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Come celebrate the human-animal bond the natural way. We will help raise awareness about holistic care for pets by offering information on…

  • Holistic veterinary, chiropractic and acupuncture services

  • Natural diets, holistic pet food and supplements

  • Massage, Reiki, acupressure and Healing Touch for Animals

  • Experts dog trainers and behavior specialists

  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy

  • Aromatherapy for pets

  • Animal communication

  • Small animal hospice care

  • Canine agility demos

  • Rescue organizations

  • Exhibits on natural and holistic pet products

Free goodie bag with vendor information, coupons and free samples (while supply lasts).

Admission is free. Well-mannered pets are welcomed and must be on a 6-foot leash (or less) and under control at all times. Please clean up after your dog.

For further details, go to the Information/Events tab at our website: www.CNPCA.org/pet-expo-2012

Vendors welcome-see bottom of web page for details.


Awakening the Genius Within Lectures

Dr Roland Thomas lecturing

Join Roland Thomas, N.D. in Honolulu and Cincinnati.

Come learn...

  1. The advantages of taking brain food (bio-algae concentrates) instead of
    stomach food (supplements).

  2. The benefits of taking thousands of synergistic micronutrients that can
    cross the blood/brain barrier to balance the pituitary (master gland),
    pineal and hypothalamus in the brain.

  3. The advantages of using a whole superfood product to awaken the body's
    own natural ability to heal rather than supplementing the symptoms.

Bio-Algae Concentrates (BioSuperfood/BioPreparation)

Awaken the Genius Within lectures:

Honolulu, October 4-7
Cincinnati, October 19-21
Click the banners below for more information



BIOAGE, Roland Thomas, ND will speak at the
Quantum World Congress of Quantum Medicine
Honolulu, Hawaii October 4-7, 2012

BIOAGE, Roland Thomas, ND will speak at the
13th Annual International Iridology and Integrative Healthcare Congress
Cincinnati, Ohio, October 19-21, 2012



When Homeopathy is Not Enough
By Russell Louie

Homeopathy is a complementary medicine practice that uses the principle of "like cures like" also known as the "law of similars". A homeopath will first observe the symptoms, and then consider a Homeopathic vialpatient's physical, psychological state, personal traits and life history, before consulting homeopathic reference books known as "repertories" to select a remedy based on the "totality of symptoms." A homeopathic practitioner will then introduce a substance into the body that will cause the symptoms of a disease in healthy people that will actually cure the disease in sick people. Homeopathic remedies are very low concentrations of a diluted substance, often lacking even a single molecule of the substance. This is in direct contrast to pharmacological science, which uses higher doses of an active ingredient to exert a strong effect on the body. Homeopathy is the leading alternative treatment used by physicians in Europe. We, personally, have used homeopathy on ourselves and our pets. I have had very good success, Margaret has had fair success and we have had some success in our pets. Why does homeopathy not work all the time?

  1. Just like pharmaceutical drugs, each body has individual needs and there ishomeopathic pills not one product to “cure” all.
  2. Just like pharmaceutical drugs, the wrong product could be chosen because of
    incomplete information or an inaccurate guess by a practitioner.
  3. There are other hidden causes for the symptoms that the homeopathist has not taken into consideration.
  4. There is not a minimum level of function in the glands/organs or life force left in the body for the homeopathic remedy to activate the body’s natural ability to heal.

It is this last point that I would like to address, when homeopathy is not enough. Here are some reasons why the body could be so depleted that homeopathy might not work:

  1. Years and years of a chronic illness have depleted the glands and organs past the limit
    where they can recover and be regenerated by themselves.drugs
  2. Years and years or massive doses of drugs have left a toxic liver and kidneys such that the body's glands and organs cannot rebuild themselves.
  3. The subject has eaten a poor nutritional diet such that all the glands and organs are out of balance and not functioning well enough to be able to rebuild and regenerate themselves.
  4. The body is so overloaded with toxins, wastes and environmental triggers (such as pollutants, petrochemicals and EMF waves) that homeopathic remedies are ineffective and not enough to restore balance.
  5. The life force or Chi in the body is not sufficient for the homeopathic remedy to take affect.

When any of the above happens there are at least three options:

  1. Do extensive testing (expensive lab tests) to determine exactly which gland(s) and organ(s) are functioning below a working threshold so a Western medical doctor can prescribe something that will boost up the deficient glands or organs.
  2. Find a holistic practitioner who has their own system of testing so they can recommend specific supplements that will boost up the deficient glands or organs.
  3. Take or give to your pet a whole superfood product that will balance ALL the glands in the brain and let the body use the thousands of nutrients in the whole superfood product to normalize whichever glands and organs are out of balance.

Options #1 & 2 require a good testing system, an experienced healthcare practitioner and good quality drugs or supplements. These methods rely on the product to do the work and an appropriate dosage pillsprescribed for each patient. The third option is what we use in our "wholistic" practice because it does not require expensive tests or expensive drugs and supplements. It is also much safer since it is the body/brain doing the work and not a strong product that has potential side effects. This latter point benefits those with a sensitive body, cats and other small sensitive pets (such as birds, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, etc.). Here is why this principle works when homeopathy does not.

When Nature devised the food chain, Nature never envisioned us taking apart her perfectly formulated foods to try and make them better (stronger, more potent). Nature gave us many medicinal plants and our bodies a complex system of DNA to outsmart those ever-changing, infectious viruses and bacteria. The foods Nature gave us are also infused with the life force energy from the sun and Earth. When one extracts, concentrates and otherwise takes apart Nature's perfectly formulated foods (as in supplements), this life force energy is broken or missing. To understand the importance of this esoteric concept, let us look at the Kingdoms in Nature (food chain):

  1. Bacteria (sometimes split into two Kingdoms)

  2. Protista (means the very first)—includes unicellular (one-celled) and multicellular organisms, including algae, that are not part of the Fungi, Plant or Animal Kingdoms)

  3. Fungi

  4. Plant

  5. Animal (herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, including human)

Nature designed each Kingdom to be dependent on the ones below it for food. For example, ruminant animals (cows, sheep, goats, deer) would not be able to survive without the bacteria in their rumen that digest plant foods for them. They are actually eating fermented plant foods and bacteria. Algae are organisms in the Protista Kingdom at the bottom of the food chain. All beings (herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, including human) are dependent on plants, fungi, algae and bacteria for survival. Algae are literally a film that coats the Earth, in every natural body of water and in the soil. Since algae are everywhere in nature, all fungi, plants, animals and humans are designed to obtain certain nutrients from algae (which contain over 5,000 individual nutrients). Algae are Nature’s most complete and original whole food for all species and serves as a universal food for the plant and animal (including human) Kingdoms. Algae are nature’s vitamin chest containing over 5,000 individual nutrients. When algae are lacking in our or our pet's diet (as in the sanitized modern diet), our health may suffer from the missing nutrients.

There are some algae nutrients that are particularly beneficial and are hard to find from any other food source. For example, Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) is usually found in early mother’s milk. GLA stimulates the newborn’s immune system. So, how do adult animals get GLA if it needs to stimulate its immune system? The next largest source (not supplements) of GLA to mother’s milk is algae. GLA is alsoPrimerose present in seeds of borage, black currant, and evening primrose but how many (people and pets) eat those foods on a regular basis? There is no other food that can nourish plants, herbivores, carnivores and omnivores like algae. Algae occupy a unique role in the food chain for all plants, animals and humans. No other food (and certainly supplement) can make this claim. Algae are not just “pond scum.”

But it is not just the over 5,000 individual nutrients in our bio-algae concentrates that balance the body. Most holistic practitioners that test BioSuperfood and BioPreparation comment on how much vital energy and life force these products have. Below is a Kirlian photograph of one capsule of BioSuperfood stood on end. Note the three distinct energy levels — a solid light center at the core, radiating linear lines emanating from the core and then a much finer set of random energy lines reaching out into space. Looks like a photo of our sun.

Kirlian photo of BioSuperfood capsule

Kirlian photo of BioSuperfood capsule


So, by taking or feeding bio-algae concentrates to our pets, we are supplying not only the whole food nutrition Nature designed our bodies to get in the wild but also the life force energy (chi) that is inherently in all wild grown food (plants and animals). Both of these factors contribute to restoring and replenishing the life force in depleted glands and organs to at least a minimum threshold so that homeopathic remedies can now work.

In a future e-newsletter article, I will demonstrate how the above complementary energy principle worked with homeopathy to save our cat. Iris, was diagnosed with advanced intestinal lymphoma or adenocarsinoma and given less than six months to live. The only options our holistic vet gave us were steroids, chemotherapy, hospice care or euthanasia. I will discuss the many "wholistic" lessons Iris taught us, as she has since recovered and is thriving 20 months past this death sentence. Homeopathy did provide the final key to Iris surviving lymphoma. If you cannot wait for the details, go to Margaret's blog at:

Iris in her grass

Click photo to see a recovered Iris playing with her laser mouse



Contact us            Russell, Margaret & Mikki Mikki at Great Salt lake


General Information: info@OptimumChoices.com

866-305-2306 (toll-free)
Normal office hours are 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM Mountain Time (U.S.), Monday-Friday. If you would like a return call outside those hours, please specify what days and times are best.

Location (available by appointment ONLY)

416 Plateau Pkwy
Golden, CO 80403-1533
We are an Internet-only, mail order company and do not stock products
for local pick up (except for emergencies). Please visit one of the local retailers at:

Local BSF-BP Retailers

Return to top.



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Nothing on this website has been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please see a qualified healthcare practitioner for any disease or illness.
Send e-mail to info@OptimumChoices.com
with questions or comments about this web site.
Optimum Choices, LLC     Copyright © 2021     Last modified: 04/10/21
