Optimum Choices

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Freedom From Illness:
Optimum Choices

Volume 23, Issue 5
Welcome to the Freedom From Illness wholistic newsletter from Russell Louie and Margaret Auld-Louie at Optimum Choices. To receive this newsletter by e-mail or to unsubscribe, see the footer at the very bottom of this e-mail. Discover in our newsletter and review our newsletter archives how you and your pet(s) can approach Freedom From Illness.


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Although we have eliminated our regular newsletter discounts (see last newsletter on why), we occasionally will publish holiday discounts in our newsletter, so stay subscribed.

Discount Code= 5GIFT

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, Festival of Light or are atheist, one can find something to be grateful for as we end this year. From now

until the end of the year (Dec. 31, 2023), get a 5% discount off your entire order. Enter "5GIFT" (the number "5" and the letters "GIFT" with no spaces) in the Discount Coupon box on the first page of our shopping cartYou must press the [Apply] button in the lower right to see this discount calculated in your order total. This discount may not be combined with our autoship, volume, referral bonus, professional or other discount (only one newsletter discount per order allowed).

HINT: for maximum savings, order any Starter Pack (three bottles) of BioPreparation and/or BioSuperfood for a 5% discount AND in addition, get the 5% monthly discount above, for a total of 10% off the full retail price of a single bottle. No other discounts can be applied. Here are the steps to get a total 10% off:

  1. Order any retail three-bottle Starter Pack of BioPreparation and/or BioSuperfood. Our shopping cart will automatically deduct a 5% discount off the single bottle price.

  2. Next, enter "5GIFT" (the number "5" and the letters "GIFT" with no spaces) in the Discount Coupon box on the first page of our shopping cart.

  3. Then press the [Apply] button in the lower right to see this 5% discount deducted from your order total.

All our other discounts (Starter Pack, Three-Pack and Autoship) are published on our web page, Discounts. If you have a specific economic need for two discounts, please contact us for further consideration. Minimum order of three bottles per order to qualify for one discount and five bottles per order for any two discounts (with the exception of our Autoship Discount).


We practice a truly "wholistic" philosophy of integrating our mental and emotional wellbeing with our physical body. Consider these daily mental stressors:

  1. Uncertain economic times, with both inflation and recession warnings.

  2. Risk of COVID and RSV increasing for the winter.

  3. Homeless crisis growing.

  4. Immigration burden.

  5. Rampantly spreading crime.

  6. Two regional wars.

It is no wonder our society suffers from a global mental health crisis. In the past, bullying and Black Lives Matter discrimination, although discouraged, was tolerated. Misogyny was not only practiced but acceptable male behavior for the last 2,000 years. Mental health therapy (especially for males) was frowned upon as showing weakness. Russell sees all this negativity as triggers, along with COVID and the shortage of medical professionals, may provide us the opportunity to turn our society’s evolution around holistically by making our mental health the same priority as our emotional and physical health. Here is how gratitude can facilitate this.

Psychological research has shown our mind cannot be in despair (depressed) at the same time it experiences gratitude, These emotions are controlled by a toggle-like mechanism, where one can experience depression on one side, gratitude on the opposite side and neither (or neutral) in the middle. So, if one is depressed one trick is to cause a feeling of gratitude to move the mind towards the center neutral or gratitude toggle position.

This exercise was created by psychologist Martin Seligman, an expert on depression and happiness. He has been called the "Father of Positive Psychology." As one of the preeminent psychologists of the 20th century, he is Director of the University of Pennsylvania Positive Psychology Center, Zellerbach Family Professor of Psychology in the Penn Department of Psychology and Director of the Penn Master of Applied Positive Psychology program (MAPP). He proposed this simple Three Good Things exercise to practice daily:

  1. Every night, just before you go to bed, think back on your day.

  2. Think of three (3) good things that went well for you that day.

  3. Write them down. Reflect on each of them.

This third step is very important in grounding your experience in the physical. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. What did I accomplish today that I am proud of?

  2. Who did I help today (act of generosity or random kindness)?

  3. What big or small important deadline did I meet?

  4. What lingering task did I complete?

  5. Did anyone praise me, my work or compliment me today? Did I graciously accept it?

  6. Did I bring a smile to someone's face today?

  7. What good did I see in the world today?

It is suggested to repeat this exercise for 21 consecutive days, to form a positive habit in neutralize our human tendency to always dwell on the negative (our survival instinct). This would be a good way to alleviate despair and depression in these uncertain times. Russell has done this to neutralize his tendency to get depressed from his mTBI (mild Traumatic Brain Injury or concussion). It helps keep him off medication and decreases his need for even holistic anti-depression remedies. Here is how Russell turned negative thoughts into gratitude:

  1. Rampant Misinformation— before the last presidential election the traditional media could be trusted. News organizations would verify any breaking story before publishing it as fact. Since the last presidential election and continuing after COVID, the traditional and social media sources have become unreliable. One must independently verify each news event and do their own research on the Internet from multiple sources to get the true facts. Believing everything from one individual channel source or the same social media channel, where algorithms strive to show readers what they want to hear (same like-mind), is detrimental to an open mind and discovering the truth. While the above is very disconcerting, Russell is grateful people will now research and educate themselves, rather than believe everything they hear/see in print. We need to take our power back as individuals (from the news media, social media, doctors, "doctor" Google, gurus, masters, etc.).

  2. Making health a priority— while some people enjoy taking annual out-of-state vacations, buying a new cell phone every 3-years and new car every 5 years, can one enjoy these privileges without good health? Booking one's social calendar 4/7 nights per week and eating out sleepevery day (or every other day) might make one popular but these are not very healthy habits. Sleeping less than 6-7 hours a night, 5 days per week is not immune-enhancing. We all know the ramifications of the above unhealthy habits and desires, yet we lack the motivation to change. We know COVID, long-COVID, RSV and antibiotic-resistant infection outbreaks and sleep deprivation causes downtime and accidents. That is Russell’s motivation to practice more immune-enhancing and life-sustaining choices to thrive again. So, be grateful for what one does have, not what one doesn’t have and make holistic wellbeing a priority.

  3. Empowering self-care— video and telemedicine appointments makes receiving medical care convenient and at reduced cost. With the Internet and “Doctor Google,” instead of relying on a doctor/vet for everything, we are empowering ourselves to do our own integrative research to support ourselves and our family's (including our 4-legged children) good health. As a small business owner and mTBI survivor, Russell has made time for exercise, being outdoors, walking, yoga, meditation, reflecting in Nature, writing in a journal, keeping socially in touch with family and friends and practicing daily gratitude towards immune-enhancing and life-sustaining self-care actions.

Remember, the decisions you make for you and your family (including furry children) today, affect the rest of your life (longevity). Be bold by taking holistic action BEFORE symptoms show up or blow up. Make immune-enhancing and life-sustaining decisions to support and balance your entire immune system and WHOLE body to its optimum potential. Be grateful for what you have every day. Practice true “wholistic” health by integrating your Mind — Body — Spirit.


New Website-please read
if you order online

Our NEW redesigned website will launch soon. More user-friendly, easier navigation menus, holistic blog, more efficient shopping cart and many more state-of-the-art web site features:

  1. When you order for the first time, you will be asked to [Register/Login] to create an account. Once your personal information is entered, our shopping cart will remember your data for future sales and all you have to do is Login.

  2. If you already know what product(s) you want, there will be a [Shop-Product] button on the home page for all our major products.

  3. The people and pet product lines will be segregated out for faster product information and easier buying.

  4. All our nutritional articles will be published in our holistic blog section for easy reference and keyword searches.

  5. Our home page will have a powerful [Search for Health Conditions or Products] box for locating holistic solutions quickly.

Contact us           Russell, Margaret & MikkiLily 2022

E-mail: info@OptimumChoices.com

303-271-1649 office
866-305-2306 (toll-free)
Office hours are 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM Mountain Time (U.S.), Monday-Friday. If you would like a return call outside those hours, please specify what days and times are best.

Location (available by appointment ONLY)

416 Plateau Pkwy
Golden, CO 80403-1533
We are an Internet-only, mail order company and do not stock products for local pick up (except for medical emergencies).

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Nothing on this website has been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please see a qualified healthcare practitioner for any disease or illness.
Send e-mail to info@OptimumChoices.com
with questions or comments about this web site.
Optimum Choices, LLC     Copyright © 2023     Last modified: 12/19/23
