ALPHA-Glycan PolysaccharidePeptide (PSP)
Please try our new replacement
polysaccharide peptide (PSP) product
Read our
September 2013 e-newsletter
There are many polysaccharidepeptide,
polysaccharide peptide, alpha-glycan polysaccharidepeptide and beta-glycan polysaccharidepeptide
products on the market. Most have their active ingredients extracted or
concentrated using a proprietary process (just like
isolated supplements) to
enhance their effects. Based on our "wholistic" philosophy, we would rather
nourish the WHOLE body with whole food
products rather than just supplement the symptoms with active
ingredients. For the
disadvantages and
dangers of
isolated supplements, download our article
NOT Another Supplement. If you are ready for a truly
"wholistic" experience and want to...
Buy fewer
Save money
Simplify your life
then read further.
ALPHA-G is an alpha-glycan polysaccharidepeptide (PSP) whole food
supplement that contains naturally occurring nutrients to balance the body's
process of cellular regeneration and communication. It is produced from a
combination of specifically selected strains of rice harvested from
organic U.S. sources. The rice is hydrolyzed (using water and
pressure) to break
it down into tiny molecules called alpha-glycan polysaccharidepeptides
which may be absorbed directly into the cell, providing energy to the
mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. In addition, our ALPHA-G has
several additional proprietary manufacturing processes
done which no other Alpha-G or PSP product has. The doctor that
formulated ALPHA-G has seen better clinical results with this new
formulation which may be due to these additional proprietary processes.
To read what new improved results we have personally seen, go to our
September 2013 e-newsletter
Read the
Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry independent study
(2007) showing the effects of alpha-glycans.
Optimum Choices is now offering ALPHA-G due to
the benefits we have received from taking it as well as using it with our pets.
Margaret especially likes polysaccharide peptides because she is extremely sensitive and prone to
detoxing more severely from products than other people, yet finds she tolerates
polysaccharide peptides very well. It helped her recover from a
severe parasitic
infection that required her to take some very strong drugs after she exhausted
all holistic options for treating it. We feel without the polysaccharide peptides she
may not have been
able to tolerate the strong drug therapy. It possibly protected her liver which
had to work very hard to process 3 drugs at once. Since completing the
drug therapy in early July 2009, the polysaccharide peptides may have helped her digestion and body heal from both
the infection as well as the drug therapy.
The doctor’s new ALPHA-G is a private label PSP (polysaccharide
peptide) product with the following improved benefits:
- All organic rice—made from specifically selected, all
U.S.-grown organic rice grains. Certified organic quality control
may lead to better results.
- Finer texture—manufactured using a special hydrolyzation
process producing a finer powder with a smoother texture that may
lead to increased absorption.
- Smaller alpha-glycans—contains the smaller alpha-glycan
polysaccharidepeptide molecules rather than the larger beta-glycan
polysaccharidepeptides molecules of mushroom PSP products which may
lead to increased utilization in the body.
- Proprietary manufacturing processes—several proprietary
processes applied that no other PSP product has. The doctor’s
clinical results may indicate this new formulation with these
additional proprietary processes yields better observed benefits.
- Better quality control—every batch is personally tested
by the doctor to insure high-quality and consistent results.
- Simpler formula—contains specifically selected organic
rice grains, guar gum and nothing else. Simpler formula better for
sensitive bodies (and pets).
We are former distributors of Cyberwise's
Vital PSP and LiveSmart 360's PSP+, polysaccharide peptide
products. When these MLM companies folded, we searched for a
replacement. ALPHA-G was developed by a health care
practitioner to help support the overall health of their patients,
friends, family and themselves. While they found wonderful health benefits
from those other polysaccharide peptide products (Vital PSP and 360
PSP+), consistent quality control
was difficult to maintain. By formulating ALPHA-G themselves, the doctor is now
able to better maintain the high level of quality they demand for
themselves and their clients. The hydrolyzed rice goes through several
additional proprietary processes developed by this doctor that may help make
the naturally occurring alpha-glycan polysaccharidepeptides from the
rice more bio-available than the larger beta-glycan
polysaccharidepeptides molecules of mushroom PSP products .
Russell's video introduces
Freedom From Illness |
- At least 5 separate strains of rice
- Guar gum
- Absolutely nothing else
ALPHA-G is formulated from specially
selected grains of rice and guar gum.
It is free of dairy, wheat, gluten, sugar, chemicals, fillers, binders,
artificial colors, artificial flavors, additives and preservatives. Guar gum is a natural fiber used to help the mixing in water
and smooth the texture of the ALPHA-G. While other PSP products add algae,
Spirulina, herbs, barley grass and other green juices in their formula
we prefer the simplicity of ALPHA-G. Margaret found her sensitive body
sometimes reacted to all those other conglomerations of ingredients and
we have found our cats and Chihuahua mix dog tolerated the simpler
formula better.

on label above]
Alpha-Glycans may be able to:
- Cross the Blood Brain Barrier
- Penetrate a cell’s membrane without
causing any burden
- Promote mitochondrial RNA and may
support mitochondrial functioning
- Provide building blocks to aid in
cellular repair and regeneration
via mRNA
Alpha-Glycan PolySaccharidePeptides from
rice may nutritionally help support:
- The immune system
- An overall sense of well being
- The DNA, RNA and mitochondria
- Muscle strength and brain function
- Cellular regeneration and
- Digestion, absorption and metabolism
of nutrients
Please try our new replacement
polysaccharide peptide (PSP) product
Russell has had a
lipoma (fatty tumor)
for over 40 years. He had it surgically removed but it came back within
6 months. While
the BioSuperfood and essential oils he used were able to slow down the
fatty tumor's growth, neither was able to reduce it in size. Since
starting polysaccharide peptides in the fall of 2009, the (second) lipoma is now finally reducing in
size. It seems the polysaccharide peptides can help the body eliminate wastes and toxins
more efficiently, so the body does not have to store them in lipomas
(fatty tumors) under the skin (like sweeping the dirt underneath the rug
when you do not know what to do with it). Working at the cellular level
is much different than taking a supplement or herb to try to reduce a
fatty tumor. Working nutritionally at the DNA level is much more
holistic, has no side effects and the benefits are permanent (symptoms
do not come back when the supplement is discontinued).
have personally confronted cancer (or severe IBD) in our own cat. Iris
stopped eating for one week and was subsequently diagnosed
with advanced intestinal lymphoma (or severe IBD, the symptoms are the
same) in December, 2010. Our holistic vet
gave us the options of chemotherapy, Prednisone, hospice care or
euthanasia. We declined all of them and started on our "wholistic"
journey with Iris. Seven months later the cancer returned. This time we
added homeopathy to Iris' "wholistic" regimen. Iris is still alive
today and thriving. Our holistic vet now calls
Iris our "miracle" cat. You can read what worked (PSP, BioPreparation,
homeopathy, Stili remedies, etc.) and what did not work with Iris on
Margaret’s blog (PDFs):
Iris Gets
Cancer (Lymphoma) &
Iris’ Cancer

The Cat Who Refuses to Die:

Our cat, Julius, who we adopted from a shelter in April 2011, was
vomiting frequently as we tried to switch him from the canned/kibble
diet of the shelter to a raw diet. We decided to see if the PSP
supplement could help the situation, since it is very beneficial for the
intestinal tract. In the summer of 2011, we started giving him half a
teaspoon per day with meals and were pleased to see the frequency of
vomiting decrease right away. As of October 2011, he very rarely vomits
his food now.
Pets are family
members too! |
Our Hurricane Katrina-rescued cat,
Cajun, had an upper respiratory condition when he first came to Colorado, which would sometimes
flare up. After
transitioning to a raw food diet and over a year on
BioPreparation, we
thought he was over it. But soon after we started the polysaccharide
peptides with our
pets, Cajun started wheezing again. From our holistic experience we
understood that this was not a re-infection but simply the old residual
respiratory infection resurfacing as the body became healthier. If
antibiotics and supplements do not kill or expel the original virus or
bacteria right away, the offenders tend to find hiding places (for
example, tissues, muscles, etc.) in the body. When the body's immune
system becomes weak again or the body becomes super healthy, the
infection and symptoms resurface. If the symptoms recur because the body
is healthier, then the symptoms soon improve as the body pushes out the
infection, and this happened with Cajun.
We have also seen an improvement in Cajun's behavior since starting
the polysaccharide peptides. He was fighting with our cat Simba, whom we had adopted to be a
playmate for Cajun, because Cajun kept pestering Iris to play. For the
first month they were playing happily but then starting last January,
Cajun refused to play with Simba at all and would only fight with him.
We tried everything—supplements, chiropractic, veterinary care, energy
work, flower remedies, homeopathics, sessions with animal
communicators—and nothing helped. After a few months on polysaccharide
peptides, Cajun
has started playing again with Simba. We were so ecstatic at the
improvement, we took videos of the 2 of them playing recently. Cajun
still sometimes fights with Simba when overwhelmed but for him to be
willing to play at all is a huge improvement. Click here to see videos:

Our 11 year old Chihuahua mix, Mikki, has had two lumps form in spite
of being on a
raw food diet since we got her in 2003 and being given
BioPreparation. One practitioner has tried many
homeopathic and drainage remedies with no results. We finally stopped
the BioPreparation after all these years and introduced polysaccharide
peptides. We began
slowly at 1/4 teaspoon per day and have now worked up to 1.5 teaspoons
after 8 months. The one lump on her leg is decreasing and the larger on
her back has decreased by half in size and diameter. We cannot say
exactly how polysaccharide peptides are doing this except that it works much the same way as
BioPreparation, at the DNA cellular level on the entire body, not just
the immune, lymphatic, circulatory, etc. systems. The whole body is
getting nourished and balanced and as it does, it can eliminate wastes
and toxins more efficiently (thus the decrease in size of the lumps).
ALPHA-G polysaccharide peptides are manufactured from five species of
rice. Unlike algae, which is at the
bottom of the food chain and native to all plant's, animal's and
human's diet, the rice is cultivated (not wild) and not a native food for plants
and carnivores. The rice grains are also mechanically processed to
breakdown the shell or hull, while the cell walls of the algae in
BioPreparation and BioSuperfood are intact and have not been compromised
to make the nutrients available. We, therefore, consider ALPHA-G to
be a whole food supplement made from a whole food rather than a pure
whole food product, like
BioPreparation and BioSuperfood. The difference might seem like
semantics but we feel Nature's complete and original whole food algae,
being a universal food for ALL plants, animals and humans,
would be our first choice to activate the body's own natural ability to
heal. We always recommend using whole food products first over any type
of supplement. With over 5,000 individual nutrients, the algae support
every single gland, organ and body system in ALL living beings and
With that said, based on our first-hand experiences,
polysaccharide peptides seem
to work in a similar way as
BioSuperfood for
people and BioPreparation for pets, in that they all provide cellular
nutrition at the DNA level of cells. This deep holistic action is much
different than ordinary "holistic" supplements that just treat
the symptoms and of course drugs. But
ALPHA-G also appears to work in a different way than these other
products because we are seeing additional results (not better or
more, just different). Keep returning to this page for more of our
Please try our new replacement
polysaccharide peptide (PSP) product