The adrenal and thyroid glands are intimately
connected and if one is imbalanced the other
certainly has some form of dysfunction. It is also a good assumption that if
these secondary glands are imbalanced, the primary glands in the brain that
control them are also not fully functioning. This imbalanced state leads to an
endocrine (glandular) system disorder and thus an impaired immune system.
Standard thyroid blood tests will not accurately reflect thyroid function. Just
taking thyroid medication and even supplements will not “fix” the imbalance.
Rather than supplementing the symptoms, a more holistic approach would be to
feed super nutrition to the primary glands in the brain. When the glands in the
brain are balanced and operating in synergy, they will, in turn, bring the
secondary adrenal and thyroid glands back into balance. With any glandular
imbalance or a poor immune system, we feel it is more holistic to
let the body do the balancing than a drug or supplement (which may have side
effects and create a dependency for life).
Hidden Endocrine-Immune Imbalance
Pet Connection
STOP Supplementing the Symptoms
Nature's First Food
Possible Answers to FIV,
HIV and Cancer?
People Connection
Hidden Poison in Food
Why is GMO Significant to You
Answer to True Holistic Wellness
Too many people and pets today have
thyroid and/or
adrenal gland disorders. What people (and perhaps the Western medical community)
do not realize is that if there is a thyroid imbalance, there almost certainly
is an adrenal gland dysfunction and vice versa. These two glands are so
intimately related that based on our holistic perspective, one cannot just medically treat one gland (as Western
allopathic medicine does) and expect the other gland (and the entire endocrine
system) to also be balanced. Furthermore, the thyroid and adrenals are secondary
glands. They both are controlled and regulated by the primary glands and organ
of the body, namely the pituitary (master gland), pineal and hypothalamus in the
brain. So, by deduction, if the thyroid and/or adrenals are not functioning
properly, it is a good bet that this triad in the brain are also not in balance.
The significance of this imbalance in the brain is seen, when one realizes that
if any part of the endocrine (glandular) system is dysfunctional, this also
impairs the immune system. With a deficient immune system, the body is subjected
to seemingly unrelated diseases and a silent epidemic including, but not limited
To see why these glandular imbalances are so common
today, let us look at our pets first. Fifty years ago pets lived to 15–20 years
and more. Today the average life span of a Golden Retriever
is just 7 years. Fifty years ago pets rarely got human degenerative diseases
such as diabetes, cancer and autoimmune disorders. A recent study (2005, Morris
Animal Foundation) showed nearly 50% of older pets will die of cancer. Dr.
Martin Goldstein, DVM, a holistic vet in N.Y., told us he now sees puppies under
1 year old with cancer. Why are our pets now experiencing illnesses of epidemic
Early in his 35-year practice,
Alfred Plechner,
DVM, “…became dissatisfied with just treating the superficial signs of health
problems…the conventional treatment I trained for at veterinary school had
little impact on pets seemingly more susceptible to disease and allergies and
who seemed to be living shorter and sicker lives.” (Plechner, DVM, Alfred,
Pets at Risk: From Allergies to Cancer,
for an Unsuspected Epidemic, New Sage Press, 2003, p. 3.) Dr. Plechner’s
frustration led him to use his own time and money on clinical research to
discover why this was happening. He uncovered a hidden adrenal gland defect that
caused an endocrine-immune system imbalance. His research showed this
endocrine-immune system dysfunction was caused primarily by poor genetics and
over-breeding with a poor nutritional diet of dry kibbles, environmental
pollutants, stress and age being secondary factors.
This hidden adrenal gland defect causes the adrenal
glands to not manufacture enough cortisol hormone or the cortisol produced is
bound (inactive). Cortisol is a powerful anti-inflammatory and helps the body
deal with stress and infections. This defect, in turn, causes a domino-effect
producing too much estrogen and not enough thyroid hormones. When the endocrine
(hormonal) system is out of balance the end result is low antibodies and a poor
immune system.
Dr. Plechner developed a special blood test to
detect this hidden defect in the adrenal glands—his
Basic Endocrine-Immune One tests for cortisol, total estrogen, thyroid hormones
T-3 & T-4, and IgA, IgM and IgG antibodies. If the cortisol level is low,
estrogen level high, thyroid hormones low and antibodies are low, he suspects
the animal has this hidden defect. The standard veterinary blood test will not
detect this imbalance. Dr. Plechner’s solution is a protocol of physiological
(low dosage) injections (or oral medication) of cortisone to boost up the
adrenal glands. He also found it necessary to give low doses of thyroid hormone
to 90% of his dogs and 10% of his cats. Once the endocrine system is back in
balance, the immune system kicks in and all the disease symptoms disappear.
Unfortunately, the animal must stay on these low doses of hormones for life.
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Dr. Plechner was able to treat (with up to a 70%
success ratio) autoimmune disease, cancer, kidney & liver disease, epilepsy,
obesity and even behavioral problems in dogs. In cats, Dr. Plechner successfully
treated FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis), FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency
Virus), FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus) and urinary tract disorders. One of the
most prevalent but overlooked symptoms of the imbalance is malabsorption and
digestive tract disorders (Inflammatory Bowel Disease–IBD). If the endocrine-immune
imbalance is present, the IgA antibodies that normally operate in the mucus
membranes of the gut go out of control and sometimes even attack the body
itself. The walls of the gut then become inflamed and thicken for protection.
With the gut’s defense system compromised, harmful bacteria and other bad
microorganisms can attack. When this happens, nutrients, supplements, as well as
medication to treat the disease are not absorbed by the body and exit the other
end. This is one reason why positive results may not be seen using the best
holistic remedies and even medication. One must correct the endocrine-immune
imbalance first, so that the mucus lining of the gut returns to normal and then
the body can absorb nutrients again and heal itself.
Another vet, Michael W. Fox, MRCVS, has done
research (Fox, MRCVS, Michael W., “Endocrine Disruption Syndrome,” Journal of
the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, Oct.-Dec. 2005, pp. 33-35)
on endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) that he feels is the primary cause of
what he calls Endocrine Disruption Syndrome. These endocrine disrupting
compounds are so prevalent in our environment they are even found in human
breast milk and Arctic seals. EDCs can be found not only in industrial
pollutants, chemical fertilizers, and untreated sewage but also in common
household products such as plastics (bisphenol A), clothing, floor material and
the lining of food cans. Dr. Fox believes these EDCs make their way into
animal’s food and water and then disrupt the animal’s entire endocrine and
immune systems function causing the same epidemic diseases Dr. Plechner treated.
No matter what the cause (genetic, EDCs, poor
nutrition, pollutants, etc.) it would seem the answer to holistic wellness is to
balance the entire endocrine and immune systems (not just the thyroid and
adrenals) so that a fully functional body can take care of the symptoms.
instead of artificially boosting up the
adrenals and
(secondary glands), if we could feed and energize the primary glands of the
brain (pituitary-master gland, pineal and hypothalamus) we could accomplish the
same end results as Dr. Plechner’s hormone replacement protocol. Holistically,
this is working from the top>down or from the inside>out rather than the Western
allopathic model of just treating the symptom, disease or single gland that
appears to be dysfunctional. Once the master gland and organs of the brain are
100% functional, they would then regulate not only the adrenals and thyroid but
every other gland and organ of the body. This promotes holistic wellness and the
body will have no need for symptoms of disease. Our holistic preference is to
use whole food products that can nutritionally support this process instead of
drugs and supplements that just treat the symptoms or a single gland (thyroid or
Bio-algae concentrates are any nurtured blend of
algae. Bio-algae concentrates are not an extract
or assemblage of isolated
supplements but instead a blend of separate species of algae that are formulated
by Nature. Since algae are one celled organisms, bio-algae concentrates supply
the body with super nutrition at the cellular level to wake up and energize the
body and brain. Little digestion is necessary as the body’s DNA is already
programmed to utilize algae (algae are at the bottom of the food chain), so,
within 30 seconds of ingesting bio-algae concentrates, the hormone levels in the
brain can be seen to increase. Once the body’s hormonal (endocrine) system is
activated (by balancing the glands in the brain), the immune system becomes 100%
functional and the natural ability of the body to heal will take over.
By addressing the cause of the problem
(malfunctioning endocrine glands) rather than the symptoms, Bio-algae
concentrates are a quantum leap in wellness. We have seen dogs that had Immune
Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA) (a disease more devastating than cancer with up
to 70% fatality rate) and one with a mast cell cancer tumor make a complete
recovery. Other conditions we have seen improve include skin and coat issues,
kidney and liver disease, arthritis and flexibility issues, adrenal and thyroid
imbalances, chronic infections and any illness unresponsive to conventional
therapies. We know bio-algae concentrates are completely holistic because unlike
allopathic medicine, as the body naturally heals itself, a smaller dosage is
needed by pets.
Even if your pet does not have symptoms of the
above diseases, if you want to keep your pet healthy, try this holistic
approach. Most commercial pet food (dry kibble or canned) lacks the nutrition
for a healthy carnivore. And all cooked food, whether pet food or home-cooked,
lacks enzymes because heat kills enzymes. Bio-algae concentrates contain over
4,000 enzymes, vitamins A, B1–B12, C, E, and K, Essential Fatty Acids of Omega
3, 6 and 9, all essential amino acids, phytonutrients and anti-oxidants 1000
times more powerful than vitamin E. Rather than being added in a laboratory,
these nutrients naturally occur in the algae in the dosage and form that Nature
intended. So, there is no risk of over dosing or imbalance as may occur with
traditional vitamin supplements. Adding this super nutrition to your pet’s diet
will not only keep your pet healthy but give your pet the Fountain of Youth.
Dr. Plechner mentions in his book the implications
of his findings for treating chronic illnesses in humans. Dr. William Jefferies,
M.D., has been using low dosage cortisone for decades on human patients with the
same success. Dr. Jefferies believes this therapy can help humans with
allergies, chronic fatigue, and autoimmune disorders including rheumatoid
arthritis. Consider these implications for humans.
The feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)
involves a retrovirus similar to HIV in humans. Dr. Plechner had a 70%
recovery rate using his hormone balancing protocol. Could this be part of
the answer to human HIV?
- Every animal that Dr. Plechner treated for
cancer had this endocrine-immune system imbalance. Could we treat and
prevent cancer by correcting this hidden adrenal gland defect and balancing
the endocrine-immune systems?
Based on all the above animal research, how do
these findings relate to people?
- The basic blood test which shows the values of
cortisol and thyroid hormone levels (T3 and
T4) in the blood, do not
accurately determine whether one has an adrenal or thyroid gland imbalance.
One could have adequate levels of hormones in the blood but still have
symptoms of a dysfunctional thyroid and adrenal glands. If you have symptoms
of an imbalanced gland but your blood tests “normal,” find a truly holistic
practitioner that can read all the body’s signs (cortisol, total estrogen,
thyroid hormones T-3 & T-4, and IgA, IgM and IgG antibodies) and uses whole
food nutrition rather than supplements for each gland.
- If your doctor is treating only the adrenals
or thyroid gland, they need to be addressing both in order to affect a
totally balanced endocrine system. Find a holistic practitioner that
understands the relationship between the thyroid/adrenals and how to balance
the entire endocrine system (in order to have a fully functioning immune
system) via the glands and organs in the brain, rather than supplementing
just the adrenals and thyroid.
Two very overlooked factors that could be affecting
our glands and immune system in both people and pets, are the new foods
introduced in our diet just within the last 30-40 years. As
Americans, we eat
soy mostly in unfermented forms, made into various processed imitation foods
such as tofu, burgers, sausages, TVP chili, soymilk, soy cheese, and soy ice
cream, as well as consuming large amounts of ‘hidden’ soy flour, protein and oil
in most processed foods. So, what is the problem with eating all this soy? Isn’t
soy a healthy food? Many doctors, including holistic doctor Andrew Weil, promote
it. Dr. Weil even partners with a pet food brand containing soy that is marketed
as a high-end super premium food, sold in health food stores and natural pet
According to the extensively researched book,
Whole Soy Story: the dark side of America’s favorite health food, by Kaayla T.
Daniel, PhD, CCN, the Chinese first started eating soybeans about 2,500 years
ago, after they figured out how to ferment it. Somehow, the ancient Chinese knew
that soybeans still contain many toxins after cooking and thus avoiding eating
it until they learned to neutralize those toxins through fermentation. In
traditional Asian diets, soy is only used in small amounts as a condiment, with
pork, seafood and other animals providing the bulk of the protein. Only very
recently has soy been eaten the way we typically eat it, consuming large amounts
in an unfermented and often highly processed form. Soy was originally considered
an inedible plant, used to fix nitrogen in the soil. Even today you can find
people from farming families who remember that as the primary use of soy.
Unfortunately, consumption of soy can create many
health issues, in both humans and animals. Following are some of the major
problems caused by soy, as described by the
A. Price Foundation on their
- High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce
assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in
soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking,
sprouting and long, slow cooking.
- High phytate diets have caused growth problems
in children.
- Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with
protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders. In test animals soy
containing trypsin inhibitors caused stunted growth.
- Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function
and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in
adult women.
- Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid
agents that cause hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants,
consumption of soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.
- Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed
and actually increase the body’s requirement for B12.
- Soy foods increase the body’s requirement for
vitamin D.
- Fragile proteins are denatured during high
temperature processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable
- Processing of soy protein results in the
formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.
- Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent
neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing and additional amounts are
added to many soy foods.
- Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum
which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys.
What all this scientific information boils down to
is that soy can really screw up your body and your health. To understand this in
human terms, all you have to do is read some of the stories of people whose
health has been damaged by soy. You can find these stories in the book
The Whole
Soy Story as well as the letters to the editor in nearly every edition of Wise
Traditions, the quarterly journal published by the
A. Price Foundation.
Following is a typical story, reported in The Whole Soy Story book from someone
in Boulder, Colorado:
“I am a healthy 48-year-old woman. An avid
runner, I have followed primarily a
vegetarian diet for over five years, and
have always had excellent blood chemistry results...Last year, however, I
added something significant to my regular diet of fruits, vegetables, beans
and grains: soy products. I followed the conventional wisdom that this would
alleviate early menopausal symptoms, keep my heart healthy, etc. I ate tofu
daily, consumed soy milk in abundance, snacked on soy nuts...and looked for
soy isoflavones in my supplements. Results: I now am facing surgery for a
goiter (enlarged thyroid)...I have symptoms of thyroid damage. My skin,
nails, hair are all suffering visibly. I have chest pain when I run. Worst
of all my cholesterol has risen from 137 to 210 in the last six months. A
nonsmoking, non-drinking vegetarian who eschews all dairy products simply
cannot experience this kind of change in less than six months without some
external factor.”
There are many more stories like this, telling of a
myriad of health problems caused by soy. An executive secretary in her 50’s with
thyroid problems tells of how the hidden soy added to the bread she was eating
caused such severe forgetfulness that she could not perform her job. When she
stopped eating soy, the mental problems went away.
A second food source that could be potentially
affecting our glands is GE (Genetically Engineered) or
GMO (Genetically Modified Organsism) food. The most knowledgeable genetic scientist on this planet, Arpad Pusztai, conducted a safety study (1998) with GMO potatoes. In an effort to
determine what safety protocols were necessary, he studied three groups of
- Natural potatoes, which was the control
- Potatoes spiked with insecticide
- Potatoes which were genetically modified (GMO)
to include insecticide
Only animals fed this third group (GMO) got sick
after 10 days. Not even the potatoes spiked with insecticide made test animals
sick. This proved to him the GE process created damaging change not the
insecticide. What he saw was potentially pre-cancerous cell growth in the
digestive tract, smaller growth of brains, liver and testicles, partial atrophy
of the liver and damaged to the immune system. Based on these results and the
stomach lesions and death in rats from previous Flavor-Saver tomato experiments,
what implications could this have for people and pets who are developing
allergies, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD),
Crohn’s disease, celiac
disease, colitis, megacolon, leaky gut syndrome or other digestive disorders
today? Did you know GMO crops of corn, soy, canola, cotton, Hawaiian papaya,
some zucchini, crooked-neck squash, sugar beets and tobacco are being consumed
today without having been tested with these vigorous scientific methods?
Because without you knowing it and without your
approval, you, your family and your pet are probably eating GE food right now.
You are part of a grand GMO experiment without your knowledge. While no firm
scientific conclusion can be drawn from currently available research, we feel
this issue is important enough to our health to personally avoid all GMO
ingredients and GE food. Remember, 50 years ago the tobacco industry was saying,
“There is absolutely no scientific evidence that second-hand smoke is harmful
and there is no conclusive proof that even first-hand smoke is dangerous to
one’s health.” Do you want to wait for conclusive scientific evidence? Today,
the same companies that are using GE to manufacture GMO foods are the same
companies that told us DDT, Agent Orange, PCB and aspartame are perfectly safe.
For more information on GMO food read our March 2010 e-newsletter article,
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Bad?, so you can make an informed decision
for your family (2-legged and 4 legged).
If you suspect an adrenal, thyroid, pituitary,
pineal or hypothalamus imbalance, what can one do?
- First and foremost (and least costly) is
change your diet. Avoid all soy and GMO foods. This means anything
containing corn, soy, canola, cotton, Hawaiian papaya, sugar beets and
- Avoid EDCs in municipal tap water by using
filtered water for you and your pet.
- Avoid all EDC environmental factors for you
and your pet.
EDC Chemical Items—DEA (Diethanolamine),
propylene glycol, SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) |
Personal care products—shampoos,
conditioners, creams, body lotion, toothpaste |
Bisphenol A |
Hard plastic water bottles, food
dishes and containers,
can linings |
Aluminum |
Food dishes and containers |
EDCs in water |
Municipal tap water (use filtered
water) |
- Balance the entire endocrine (glandular)
system, not with single drugs or by supplementing the symptoms of the
adrenals and thyroid but with whole food products that feed, energize and
balance the primary glands and organs in the brain first. These primary
glands will, in turn, balance the adrenals and thyroid internally rather
than externally with a crutch (drugs, supplements and herbs).
For more information, click
bio-algae concentrates.
Dr. Plechner’s
book Pets at Risk: From
Allergies to Cancer, Remedies for an Unsuspected
Epidemic can be ordered online at:
Animal Health Books. More information on
Dr. Plechner’s research and its implication for humans can be found at
To download the full length PDF copy of the above article, click the
button on the left below. |